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Financial Consultations

We have built our firm Financial Advisory services . These are mainly aimed at the small and medium enterprises , in order to help stabilize , improve and obtain financial resources for their firm focuses negocios. Our four concepts are:

Securities in the following four concepts :

  1. Financial Position of the entity under this approach the firm analyzes what is the current financial position of the entity and recommends actions to improve their financial condition and future or maximize available resources . During the financial analysis assesses the entity’s financial statements to determine liquidity conditions , performance and debt margin among others.
  2. Cash Management ( Cash Flow) This consultation is aimed at determining the receipt of cash during a given period and the cash outlay for the same period. The main purpose is to recommend actions that can improve future cash flow or reduce the cash outlay to maximize the results of operations and financial condition of the entity. This consultation is aimed at determining the receipt of cash during a given period and the cash outlay for the same period. The main purpose is to recommend actions that can improve future cash flow or reduce the cash outlay to maximize the results of operations and financial condition of the entity.
  3. Planning Contribution. Below this approach we help clients develop short and medium term a contributory strategies fail to reduce or defer taxes on income and property . In addition to preparing tax returns required by law , the client can consult us about the tax treatment would receive certain transactions with complex features , for example, sales of capital assets , inheritances and donations, sale of business and investments in own funds and retirement plans, among others. Our office specializes mainly in matters of state or local contributions .
  4. Financiamiento. Below Credit and financial consultation approach we are trying is to help the client to obtain financing at a competitive cost or reduce funding costs existent. Our firm participates in the preparation of proposals for commercial loans , mortgage or credit line shopping through both Private Banking and Government Banking.